I consider Sedona to be my home and by this time had visited and stayed in Sedona many times over the years for healing retreats, workshops and conferences. I was trying desperately to heal my symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and gain control over my body again.I also had been dealing with a life long journey of alcoholism and was forever taking certifications being convinced that this was going to be the course that would finally end my drinking. I was a very high functioning alcoholic and used spirituality to try to stop myself from drinking. What I did not know, was the right way to use my spirituality and instead used it against myself. Then I discovered A Course In Miracles. The Course was key in my surrendering my judgement of alcoholism and my over identification with it that was born of the fear of becoming like my parents.Which by the way were amazing people in their own right.
My last trip to Sedona was a big one. There The Mother Mary had first appeared to me in a deep knowing sense or way I was so deeply aware of. In the middle of the desert heat under the intense sun, she gave me a cool temperature breeze accommodated by a floral scent that I still to this day I cannot even begin to describe and this phenomenon followed me around for what felt like 10 to 15 min long. She asked me to give her all of the pain I had been carrying for my ancestry and for what I had endured in this life time. I instantly new I had to kneel and put my forehead to the ground.
Here was my first surrendering experience. Even in all that love I could only give her what I was capable of.I believed at the time I was giving it all to her but oh no as I began to discover later on, that I was only scratching the surface. Still it was enough to finally gain the traction I needed to begin seeing the fruit of all my laborious attempts to become Holy and perfect. I was able to finally stop drinking and it was so much easier to do, then what my ego would have me believe.
The photos you see are day later reenactments of all that had gone on the day before.I was not expecting fully all that had happened, and so I wanted to find a way to share the experience with others. For me any trip to Sedona is purposeful even when I do not know what that purpose is.
All futures exist within the possibility of your present. It is merely a matter of choice and focus. Life is created by you and with you. It is up to you to perceive through the lens of empowerment more consistently.
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