I remembered one time seeing the expressionless faces looking back at me and thinking “what is wrong with everyone here”? “Why is nobody smiling and why do they keep saying they are enjoying it, yet they do not smile? “I would stop many times but they would all encourage me to keep going. It was very strange and I was confused at what was going on. This experience shut me down and I never wanted to dance with that kind of creativity again. Jayme helped me see later on, that I had probably seen my family in a trance. She created a safe space for me to embrace this multi-dimensional aspect of myself.
Christine with Jayme Price
In 2017 I attended my first CE5 gathering in Palm Springs with Steven Greer, after that I began toning and singing and later found out it was Galactic Light Language that was wanting to express itself through me. In 2018 I figured it was time to attend Jayme Price’s Light Language workshop in Sedona to help me understand and receive more of this wonderful transmission of energy that was wanting to come through.
The workshop helped bring in The Galactic Light Language through speaking and allowed for other forms of light Language to come in as well. I experienced Galactic Shamen, Angelic and Elemental Light Language as well as Ancient Earth Light Language
The Galactic Light Language is what is most with me at this current time in expression and this makes complete sense to me as I position myself very seriously as an Ambassador of our beloved sentient star beings. Our ancient star brothers and sisters or our interstellar families from the future.
Jayme had channeled a message for me that was telling me to own my triple flame. As I sat with that, suddenly I became aware that the holy spirit was asking me to root into my joy. The divine spark anchored the power of wisdom and love in the secret chamber of my heart. It was asking me to allow my I AM presence to enter into my soul star chakra. Later that day, I discovered the book Anna, Grandmother of Jesus, and still to this day I have never come across a more palpable read. I would love one day to travel the sites that the Holy Family, known as the Essenes travelled.
You are the healer. I play the role of connector that bridges your healing to you. You are the maker of your receivership.
~Christine Clark Tweet