I Know I Am Touching Love

I feel empowered with more direction to help and I know I am touching Love.

Light Language is only understood through how the heart wants to feel it and uses the mind to decode it. This awareness helps us to dismantle the war within us between our conscious mind and our instincts. 

Christine with Jayme Price

We are always innocent but the problem of falling from grace is that the ego gets in there and makes us feel bad when we try to think for ourselves and explore through adventures that veer off the path of our instincts. We leave our truth (higher states), for the purpose of returning to it.  This objectification allows us to understand ourselves.  

Light Language comes from truth codes that become part of you in the now experience. A tool to activate aspects of yourself you have not met, so you can build to create from a place that is something to help dismantle non sentient things. The empowerment of Light Language helps me get clear direction for myself and others who are seeking help for themselves. Being in Peace much of the time in the 3rd dimension is key to understanding the 4th dimension without difficulty, the frequencies of the 5th dimension is just greater expanded light forms of the 4th and 3rd dimension, so we might as well slow it down and find ways to enjoy being our human selves with more compassion for the imperfection of what it means to be human in the 3d.Then we can ascend easier and with more integrated awareness for ourselves and be the exemplification of the God embodied version, that will invite others to lift their frequency just by being in approximation of one another.

I feel empowered with more direction to help and I know I am touching Love.

About Christine

I leave no doubt in the minds of others that I truly care about them. I see us all as equals. I help people look at who they are. I soothe people and aid them back to their own heart. 

I help people get the know how on returning what wants to be healed back to wholeness.

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